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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Lingue e Letterature Europee e Americane


Tutoring service for the a.y. 2019 - 2020


Students needing guidance on the degree program can contact tutors during their office hours or via e-mail:

Matteo Bimbocci (matteo.Bimbocci(at)
Viola Baggiani (viola.baggiani1(AT)
Emanuela de Maio (emanuela.demaio(AT)

Contact :

Tutor office hours (at the Department of Languages, Literature and Intercultural Studies in Via Santa Reparata 93, Florence - ground floor, Room 10): 

Mondays and Thursdays 9 am - 3 pm
Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1 - 7 pm

Meetings will take place online only (via mail, Facebook, and/or Google meet). 


For specific problems, students can contact orientation delegates or the president of the degree program during their office hours, by writing to the following email address:


Orientation Delegates

Prof. Sabrina Ballestracci
Dr. Miriam Castorina
Prof. Fernando Cioni
Dr. Ilaria Natali
Dr. Claudia Pieralli
Prof. Beatrice Tottossy
Prof. Salomè Vuelta Garcia


Orientation services by the School of Humanities and Education (contact details and hours)

last update: 17-Nov-2021
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