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Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Lingue e Letterature Europee e Americane

Quality assurance

The organization and responsibility of the AQ at the level of the Degree Program is assigned to the Review Group.

The Review Group cooperates in the planning and control of the learning path, specifically with the management of the degree program’s schedule (annual stages of presentation of the order, regulation, study plan; start of semesters). It is responsible (with the collaboration of the delegates and lecturers) for the continuous monitoring of the courses’ appeal, examinations, and students’ careers. Central to its activity is the definition of a quality policy and the adoption of initiatives for the promotion of quality, and the identification of processes for the management of the study program and the definition of its organizational structure. The Group’s activity is also aimed at improving the processes and the courses offered.

last update: 17-Nov-2021
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