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Study Plans


For students of the LM-37, Cohort 2019/2020: if you choose a 12-credits exam for your first Language (L1) you will not be able to take a 6 CFU exam of the same L1, not even as an elective subject. The two exams are part of the same syllabus (the 6 CFU Language syllabus is fully contained in the 12 CFU Language syllabus). There are no custom syllabi. You can choose a 6 CFU exam for Language 2, (second Level) offered starting from 2020.




  • Students must submit or modify the study plan by the deadlines and in the manner set by the School and advertised on the School's website (link school's website
  • Study plans should be related to the enrollment cohort of the individual student.
  • One of the two languages chosen must be a European language; the second language may be European or non-European.
  • Language exams and Literature exams must always respect the relative precedence (for elective subjects, students must take their first Language or Literature course first).
  • Literature exams must match the selected Languages (except for elective subjects).
  • The Philology exam must correspond to one of the two selected languages: German philology for English and German students; Romance philology for French, Portuguese and Spanish students; Slavic philology for Russian and Slavic students; Finno-Ugric philology for Finno-Ugric (Hungarian and Finnish) students. Those who study a non-European language must necessarily choose the philology of the European language chosen since no philology is offered for the Eastern language of their choice.
  • Elective subjects cannot exceed 12 CFUs in addition to the expected number for each curriculum; therefore, the maximum number of CFUs to be approved in the Study Plan is 192 for L-11 and 132 for LM-37.
  • According to the rules of degree programs L-11 and LM-37, the elective subjects must be consistent with the training offered by the degree program itself and, in general, with that of the School of Humanities and Education. The Board shall assess the approval of examinations carried out at the Schools of Economics, Law and Political Science (or other establishments) if they are compatible with the learning objectives of the degree program.
  • Since the level of the language courses offered by other programs (such as English at PROGEAS or at the School of Architecture) is lower than that required in our program, languages chosen in other degree programs as electives are not accepted.
  • The examination of foreign language knowledge carried out at the University Language Centre cannot be accepted as an elective subject.
  • The internship can be included in the curriculum, as an elective subject, up to a maximum of 12 CFU. The student, in this case, can enter 2 internships of 6 CFU each, since no 12 CFU internship code is active in the whole of the University of Florence.


Study plans of the most recent academic years of the Master’s Degree in European and American Languages and Literatures:




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