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Presentation of the Course

Presentazione del Corso



The Degree Program in European and American Languages and Literature offers students the possibility to choose between different curricula. Confirming a wide educational offer in European and American languages and literatures, five different curricula are available:
- Languages, Literature and Translation, which intends to train graduates with specific skills related to European and Euro-American literatures, languages and cultures, through a path in which, in addition to the acquisition of the requirements for access to classes of competition for teaching, allows them to deal with the problems of the translation of literary texts. Graduates will acquire in-depth knowledge of two languages, of Euro-American literatures and cultures, as well as specific skills in translation, including through a literary translation laboratory, and in the analysis of texts that are both literary and oriented toward the specificity of sectoral languages (economic, tourist, administrative-legal, media, etc.). Graduates will also acquire the techniques of documentation, drafting, editing and revision of texts, together with the ability to use the computer tools necessary to work in the publishing industry. Graduates will be able to gain high-responsibility positions in international, cultural and economic cooperation institutes; in Italian cultural institutions, in Italy and abroad. They will be able to work as experts, not only in the literary publishing field, but also in the advertising and multimedia fields, and they will also be able to work as language operators in the industry and in the advanced tertiary sector.
- Linguistics and philological studies (monolingual), which prepares students for metalinguistic reflection and critical-textual analysis of the language studied, both through the acquisition of the main descriptive and theoretical instruments of linguistics in its various declinations (theoretical-formal, diachronic-comparative, functional), methods of analysis of linguistic phenomena (morphosyntax, lexicon, phonetic and phonology, etc.), It also includes related areas such as L1 and L2 learning, and the linguistic mechanisms of communication, both through learning the principles of critical-textual analysis of texts and ecdotics. The establishment of a digital culture laboratory allows students to acquire further knowledge in the digital edition of texts and corpora processing. Graduates will be able to work in high-responsibility positions in the field of intellectual, scientific, and highly specialized professions, in particular as specialists in human, social, and managerial sciences and specialists in training and research. They will be able to interact as experts in cultural services, in public and private enterprises, in national and international fields, as well as consult and collaborate as specialists in medical activities and research linked to language skills (speech therapy, audiology, speech re-education, neurolinguistics). In addition, they will be able to obtain the necessary requirements to access the competition classes for the teaching of the language studied.
-Italian-German Bilateral Studies (see brochure),  Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies, and Italian-French Bilateral Studies in Translation Theory and Practice (see brochure) which - using the collaboration of European universities and on the basis of special agreements - provide for cultural exchanges with the Universities concerned (Bonn, Budapest and Paris), the mobility of students and teachers and the development of educational and research projects of bilateral and international interest. They aim to acquire active and passive mastery of the Italian language, literature and culture and of the other language and literature and culture chosen by the student, and the use of electronic, online and multimedia tools, to be adequately prepared for schools and lifelong teaching, in the context of the translation of texts in the humanities and social sciences, as well as in the production of publications and in the organization of events and cultural enterprises of bilateral interest. Graduates will be able to fill high-responsibility positions in the context of European cultural integration while respecting the balanced development of European multilingualism. To this end, internships and traineeships are planned in public and private bodies in Italy and the countries concerned, especially in State archives and libraries in Italy and other countries, in university publishing houses or in other publishers interested in the production of traditional, multimedia and on-line books, as well as in Italian and European entities and cultural agencies. In the framework of the relevant intergovernmental agreements, and on the basis of specific scientific and learning agreements ( aimed at increasing internationalization processes, innovative training projects have been developed (which also make use of multilingual interactive platforms) between the University of Florence and the Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität of Bonn, the Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) of Budapest; and the Université Paris 8 respectively. According to the MIUR note of 16 February 2011, which implements DM 22 September 2010, no. 17, these agreements provide for the further development of the mobility of students and teaching staff; the acquisition of a degree of study, Italian and foreign, according to the type b) indicated in the note itself, is also envisaged.


Graduates in the master’s degree of this class will have achieved:

- advanced knowledge of the history of literature and of the culture of European and American civilizations in their different expressions;
- excellent knowledge of at least one of the European and American languages and civilizations, in addition to Italian, and the theoretical instruments for their comparison;
-  the theoretical and application tools for linguistic analysis and for the teaching of languages and literature;
- skills in the use the main computer tools in the specific areas of competence;
- written and oral mastery of at least one language of the European Union or of English, in addition to Italian.
For the expected learning results, expressed through the European descriptors of the study title (DM 16/03/2007, art. 3, paragraph 7), reference is made to the teaching regulations for a.y. 2019 - 2020  


- Translators in the Humanities;
- translators and language experts employed in cultural institutions and diplomatic and consular representations;
- teaching staff at universities and schools;
- intercultural mediators in public bodies (courts, detention institutes, immigrant reception centres, national and international centres for volunteering and assistance);
- language experts in cultural industry and services, from publishing (traditional and electronic) to radio-television, literary and cultural agencies, to the arts and entertainment industry;
- cultural consultants and operators in publishing and journalism;
- correspondents in foreign languages and similar positions;
- producers and developers of intercultural events;
- meetings, conferences, events, festivals, organized and managed by national and international public and private bodies and enterprises
(CODE. ISTAT, technicians of the organization of fairs, conferences and similar events).


In order to be admitted to the master’s degree in European and American Languages and Literatures, students must have obtained a three-year (bachelor’s) degree in Class L-11 (ex 270 or ex 509), or another degree obtained in Italy or abroad as well as meet the specific requirements indicated below.
The Master’s Degree Board appoints delegates to verify the curriculum requirements for admission to the course. The cases of students in possession of the three-year degree in degree classes not logically consistent with the training process itself or in possession of another degree obtained abroad will be examined with particular attention.
Students of the Curriculum in LITERATURES AND TRANSLATION must have acquired the following requirements during their three-year (bachelor's) degree: 1) 18 CFU in each of the two selected languages, offered in the degree program (L-LIN/04, L-LIN/07, L-LIN/09, L-LIN/12, L-LIN/14, L-LIN/19, L-LIN/21); 2) 18 CFU in the literature currently offered in the degree program (L-LIN/03, L-LIN/05, L-LIN/08, L-LIN/10, L-LIN/11, L-LIN/13, L-LIN/19, L-LIN/21) and corresponding to the selected languages; 3) 6 CFU in the philology of one of the languages to be studied.
Access to the Curriculum Studies of LINGUISTICS AND PHILOLOGY requires the following: 1) 18 CFU in the chosen language, offered in the degree program (L-LIN/04, L-LIN/07, L-LIN/09, L-LIN/12, L-LIN/14, L-LIN/19, L-LIN/21); 2) 18 CFU in the literature currently offered in the degree program (L-LIN/03, L-LIN/05, LLIN/08, L-LIN/10, L-LIN/11, L-LIN/13, L-LIN/19, L-LIN/21) and corresponding to the chosen language; 3) 12 CFU in an L-LIN/01 sector discipline or 6 CFU in an L-LIN/01 sector discipline and 6 CFU in one of the L-FIL-LET/12 sector.
The bilateral curricula, as agreed with the University of Bonn, Budapest ELTE and Paris 8, are accessed upon successfully passing the selection interview as set out in the relevant announcement published on the website of the School of Humanities and Education.
Students of the Curriculum in Italian-German Bilateral Studies need to have acquired at least 12 CFU in German, 12 CFU in German Literature, at least 12 CFU in L-FIL-LET/10 or L-FIL-LET/11 disciplines, as well as at least 6 CFU in L-FIL-LET/12 or L-LIN/01 sectors.
Students of the Curriculum in Italian-Hungarian Bilateral Studies must have acquired at least 12 CFU in Finno-Ugric Languages, 12 CFU in Finno-Ugric Literature, at least 12 CFU in disciplines of the L-FIL-LET/10 or L-FIL-LET/11 or L-FIL-LET/14 sectors; they must also have acquired at least 6 CFUs in the L-FIL-LET/12 or L-LIN/01 sectors or have a certification of Italian language knowledge at an appropriate level.
Students of the Curriculum in Italian-French Bilateral Studies in Translation Theory and Practice must have acquired at least 12 CFU in French Literature (L-LIN/03) in the three-year degree. They must also have a minimum of 12 CFU in French (L-LIN/04) and have a C1 level in French. Students who do not have an Italian university degree must have a C1 level, in the Italian language as well.
For the three bilateral curricula, the equivalents between the academic disciplines indicated in the teaching regulations of the University of Florence and their equivalents in force in the affiliated universities will be laid out in the annexes to the respective agreements.
In the event that one or both of the languages to be studied at the master’s degree are different from those studied at bachelor’s level, the delegates appointed by the Degree Program Board will evaluate any documentation presented or, if necessary, carry out an interview to assess whether to grant the admission clearance or assign the student a number of CFUs to be acquired before enrolling in the master’s program.
Students with a non-Italian degree who wish to enrol in either the Language Literature and Translation and Linguistics and Philology curricula need to have good written and oral communication skills in Italian and general knowledge of Italian culture and history.


Attendance is compulsory for full-time students and assumes participation in at least two-thirds of the lectures. Given the number and variety of lectures offered by the degree program, particularly regarding the related and supplementary activities, timetable overlapping may occur. In such occurrences the student must report the inconvenience to the teaching staff of the overlapping subjects, who will have to make sure the student can take both exams without any prejudice. The degree program, in accordance with the norms of the University, allows access to students involved in other activities. In such cases, students may obtain to gain a lower number of CFUs per year, according to the rules of the University. The course does not provide specific teaching methods for these students.
Students enrolled in part-time mode are exempt from attendance. Students must take foreign language and literature exams according to the order in which the courses are laid out in the syllabus. The subject of philology must be chosen among the philology associated to one of the languages chosen by the student. In the Curriculum of Linguistics and Philology, the Language I exam is preliminary to the Language II exam.



The duration of the master’s degree course “European and American Languages and Literatures” is two years when taken full-time. The student must acquire 120 CFU to achieve the academic qualification. This corresponds to 60 CFUs per year when attending full-time.
A number of related and supplementary subjects have been included, grouped into disciplines, with the aim to diversify and deepen the learning path on offer and are the expression of the different scientific learning projects present in the degree program.
Through the disciplines of Group A14 (L-OR/08; L-OR/12; L-OR/13; L-OR/21; L-OR/22) and Group A15 (L-LIN/03; L-LIN/05, L-LIN/06; LIN/08; L-LIN/10; L-LIN/13; L-LIN/15; L-LIN/19; L-LIN/21) offers the possibility to extend the subjects offered to Eastern Languages on the one hand, and to deepen at least one of the two foreign literatures studied.
In order to meet educational needs related to international bilateral curricula, some academic disciplines are also included, grouped as follows GROUP A11 BILATERAL ONLY (L-ART/02; L-ART/06; L-FIL-LET/12; L-FIL-LET/14); GROUP A12 ( MFIL/04; M-GGR/01; M-STO/02; M-STO/04; M-STO/08); GROUP A13 (L-LIN/01; L-LIN/02; M-PED/01, MPED/02, M-PED/03); GROUP A15 (L-FIL-LET/09, L-FIL-LET/15, L-LIN/19.L-LIN/21).
The range of related subjects has been set at 12-12 CFU.
For a complete picture of the study paths, see art. 16 of the teaching regulations for a.y. 2019 - 2020


The study program consists of learning modules, each of which consists of 36 or 72 hours of face-to-face lectures, equivalent to 6 CFU and 12 CFU respectively. 
Only for Language Courses for which a 75-hour Seminar course is foreseen, the learning offer includes lessons with a CFU/hour ratio of 1:5 (in derogation from the expected CFU/hour ratio of 1:6). 
Students will be able to learn the foundations of the subjects taught with a particular focus on methodology and the syllabi will be in line with the amount of CFUs assigned to the subject.
The language learning will be organized in relation to the language and by common agreement between the professor holding the course and the mother tongue lecturers according to the learning schedule requirements of each language, in order to guarantee that students can attend the maximum number of hours of the seminars. The 12 CFU Language Courses are annual and comprise two forms of parallel activities, one by the professor holding the course and another by the language lecturers. A subject worth 6 CFUs involves only one module organized in the same way.
Workshops, training and guidance courses are offered as part of the course.
The web will be used both for videoconference connections, and to present and send learning materials.
At the end of the courses, students will take the exams.
The exams with a mark are those included in the characterizing activities (TAF B) and the related and supplementary subjects (TAF C) and total a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 11, depending on the curricula. The study path ends with a final exam.
The exams, except the language ones, consist mainly in an oral interview in Italian, covering with the syllabus discussed in the lectures or, for students not attending, a syllabus agreed with the teacher. The exam may also consist of a written test, in the form of an essay or a questionnaire. Written and oral exams carried out during the course may contribute to the final mark.
The exams relating to languages include written and oral tests, including mid-term ones, set by the professor and the language expert. The oral exam of the Language subject is carried out mainly in the language being studied. At the end of the seminar activity (for bilateral curricula), the results obtained will be verified and recorded with a “pass” or “fail” final mark. Language certificates issued by external certifying bodies are normally not recognized as eligible CFUs; in exceptional cases they will be assessed individually by the language teacher concerned, who will decide the methods of verification for possible conversion into CFU.


The final exam, which is worth 30 CFUs, consists in the discussion before an examination board, appointed by the President of the School, of a written work on a subject agreed between the student and the teacher in one of the disciplines contained in the study plan in which at least 12 CFUs have been acquired.
For those disciplines in which it is not possible to repeat the exam, the student may, upon reasoned request to the degree course by the student and the teacher concerned, graduate even after having acquired only 6 CFU.
The students are expected to produce original work, in which they will show high-level analytical and synthesis skills. The assessment of the final exam will take into account the students’ career in reference to their weighted grade average A maximum increase of six points above the weighted average can be achieved, with the addition of 1 point, in case the student graduated within the end of the normal two-year cycle.
For the Italian-French Bilateral Curriculum, students can discuss the thesis at either University with a supervisor from one of the two partner Universities and a co-supervisor from the other. At least one teaching staff member from the partner university will be required to participate in the Examination Board.
Visit the School's website for detailed information.

PhD in Comparative Languages, Literatures and Cultures.

The lectures are held mostly in Via Santa Reparata 93 and Via G. Capponi 9, but also in other venues, which are always specified in each semester’s lecture timetable.
The Humanities Library (with study rooms) is located in Piazza Brunelleschi 4




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